胜利之歌 第一季(2010)

又名:Victorious Season 1 / 胜利者 第一季

主演:Victoria Justice Avan Jogia Roger Narayan Michael Eric Reid JoAnn Willette 

导演:David Kendall / Steve Hoefer / Adam Weissman / 编剧:Jake Farrow/Arthur Gradstein/Dan Schneider

胜利之歌 第一季:剧情介绍

Plot Summary:Life is about to change in a big way for 16-year-old Tori Vega. After years of living in her older sister's shadow, Tori has been invited to attend Hollywood Arts, a high school with a focus on the performing arts. While the invitation came as a surprise -- she's never thought of herself as particularly talented -- and she still has to deal with being the new kid on campus, Hollywood Arts may just give Tori her chance to shine.
Sitcom about a girl named Tori Vega, who navigates life at an elite Hollywood performing arts high school.

胜利之歌 第一季的影评列表

Nemu_ • 我不知道怎么写个吸引人的标题

花了十几天的时间一口气重温了四季。 我不知道其他看这篇的人是从哪里得知这部剧的,至少对于我来说这可能

saiiscool • 还不错

还算挺有意思的剧集 比起同时NICK频道的ICARLY来说 感觉面对的年龄层稍高一点 女猪还是不错