Tony 7岁就说自己要当jokey。14岁辍学开始学骑马。没拿到名次,放弃了。21岁在学开出租,同时在赌博场所赚一些外快。28岁结婚生子,感情很好,在开出租,同时在上表演课。35岁在马场养了两只小马驹,带女儿骑马。夫妻感情恶化。依然开出租,30岁左右开酒吧后来就关了。时而当临时演员。42 出轨被抓,但还是继续在一起了 父母双亡 搬新家,财务紧张
Suzy 名媛。14岁父母离婚,21岁很局促,焦躁,抽烟。28岁已经生了两个孩子,母性之光。丈夫是律所合伙人。35岁依然很平静,蛮符合上流社会贵妇人形象。跟丈夫打网球。牵着小孩的小马驹。住在郊区。丈夫离开律所自己创业,所幸公司经营的不错。
Bruce “I’m going to Africa…to teach people there” “my girlfriend is in Africa"; Oxford 数学系毕业,去了 London 教新移民,35岁的时候在孟加拉交换项目当老师。大学的时候十分禁欲系,35岁依然没有成家。still a bit awkward and shy. had affairs that ended naturally...爸爸以前在津巴布韦当兵;一直相信 education 能改变一个人的人生。42岁的时候终于找到了对的人,结婚。还在学校教书,妻子也是老师。
Jackie 19 married and at 35 decided to split up. decided no haveNo children at 28. Had a boy at 35 without father.
Lynn 19 married Rose in the post office;grammar school; shy and silent; work atlibrary at 21~28. education system.blackouts at 34. 42 流动图书馆倒闭,换了一个少儿图书馆。
Sue 24 married; divorce. one boy and one girl.
Nick farmer son 7 “I want to explore the moon”. 14 “I am interested in physics and chemistry” 21 Oxford physics. 28 the U.S Wisconsin assistant professor with his wife. 4 years. 35 副教授 having a 1 year old son, but split up with his wife.
John 妈妈是保加利亚人。lawyer; Cambridge. married. 保加利亚大使女儿。
Andrew the only child.lawyer. 35 beocme partner. 28 married with Jane. “not financially coming from the same background” havingtwo children at 35.
Charles didn’t go to Oxford (very surprisingly) 然后就变得像嬉皮士一样. journalist. and then moved to BBC to become producer. married at 34. did not show up at 28/35
Paul @children’s homeAustralia 20岁变卖家产跟老婆环游澳洲。“say you had a wife. say she cooked everyday. say i dont like greens which i dont. ….”墨尔本working class normal family. 建筑业工作。”i’m nice. but i’m not easy to get along with”
Neil: Liverpool suburb.bright and perky when he was 7。说自己要当 couch driver。 14就没有了笑容。还是说自己喜欢旅行,相当 couch driver。压力很大的样子。21岁从大学退学,情绪不是很好,当建筑工人,说自己想做一些有重要的 responsibility 的事情。28 homeless. roaming around England. being called “eccentric" since 16.。无业,拿社保金。说到自己看了很多书。提到自己可以去 theatre 工作。35 政府救济房。设德兰岛。依然靠 social security。参加社区的 theatre performance. 但是今年就没有当上导演,因为他说他自己是一个很固执的导演。。trying to organize professional tour company. 16岁就像当作家。”successful escapism or somebody managing to be himself“. but i know i am not successful. I’m homeless, I had nothing to do, I had no money and even thousands of people write letters to me, that situation would not change.

人生七年642 Up(1998)

又名:人生七载之当我四十二 / 42岁起 / 人生七年第六季 / Forty Two Up


主演:Bruce Balden

导演:迈克尔·艾普特 Michael Apted


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