
又名:致命砍人节 / 情人节凶杀案 / 玩尽杀绝情人节 / 致命情人节 / 情人节 / 鹰翼之上 / Valentine's Day / Love Hurts


主演:Marley Shelton Katherine Heigl Denise Richards David Boreanaz Jessica Capshaw Jessica Cauffiel 

导演:Jamie Blanks / 编剧:Aaron Harberts/Donna Powers/Gretchen J. Berg/Wayne Powers


Plot Summary:Valentine's Day 1988: At the school dance, geeky Jeremy Melton bravely faces one rejection after the other when asking four popular girls to dance with him. A fifth girl, plump and insecure, agrees, but they end up making out under the bleachers. When a group of school bullies catches them, the girl claims that Jeremy attacked her. This causes them to strip off his clothes and beat him up in front of the entire school. Flash forward to 2001. We meet the five girls who were in that school gym: Kate, Paige, Shelly, Lily and the formerly plump Dorothy. They are all in their 20's now and trying to sort out their love lives, which is appropriate, since Valentine's Day is coming up. After a disastrous date with a loser, one of the girls, a pre-med student, is murdered by a Cherub-mask wearing killer who sent her a death threat in the form of a Valentine card prior to the attack. After the four remaining girls are reunited at her funeral, they all start receiving threatening cards and messages. At first they don't know who would want to hurt them, but eventually they figure that maybe Jeremy is responsible. Police records show that Jeremy has completely disappeared, so no one knows what he looks like. Could the formerly nerdish Jeremy have had plastic surgery and turned into one of the girls' handsome boyfriends? Who ever it is, the lone survivor has to put a stop to this spurned individual's murder spree before she, too, becomes a valentine to die for.


米噶 • 这样的惊悚,怎样的结局


boovie • 一般一般,唯有美女秀色可餐


桃子咪 • 情人结---》情人劫

剧情不错 升华一下血腥的内容 大致就是 在初恋与老公之间 你相信谁? 结论就是 初恋总是美

桃爱山毛榉 • 谁是凶手?
