欲海陷阱Une manche et la belle(1957)

又名:A Kiss for a Killer


主演:亨利·维达尔 米琳娜·德蒙若 伊莎·米兰达 Jean-Loup Philippe 西蒙娜·巴克 安托南·贝瓦尔 让·加朗 Ky Duyen 安德烈·罗阿讷 马克·瓦尔贝尔 阿尔弗雷德·亚当 

导演:亨利·韦纳伊 / 编剧:弗朗索瓦·布瓦耶 François Boyer/亨利·韦纳伊 Henri Verneuil/Annette Wademant/詹姆斯·哈德利·契斯 James Hadley Chase


Plot Summary:Betty Farnwell, a rich widow living in Nice, decides to marry Philippe, a good-looking but self-interested man. No sooner has he got married than he meets bewitching young Eve, Betty's niece, and falls for her. Eve becomes his lover but the trouble is that she happens to be as calculating as he is. As a result she plans to marry a rich young man as Philippe is bound by the ties of marriage. Philippe can't stand such a prospect and decides, with the complicity of the young woman, to murder Betty...


空山寂雨 • 剧情简介

手动补充剧情简介吧。 菲利普是一个银行职员,在工作中认识了富有的寡妇斯黛拉。斯黛拉爱上了年轻壮实的菲