
又名:万圣夜惊魂 / 嘘!有鬼


主演:Trish Coren Rachel Harland Jilon Ghai 

导演:Anthony C. Ferrante / 


Plot Summary:The friends Emmett, Freddy, Marie, Kevin and his reluctant girlfriend Jessie decide to spend the Halloween night in an abandoned hospital. Meanwhile, the younger Allan meets the old friend of his father Arlo Ray Baines and asks him to help to find his vanished sister Meg in the same spot. The two groups meet each other in the mental institution section on the haunted third floor and they find that they are trapped in the place. Jessie has visions from the past and discovers that the ghost of Jacob, a former patient that raped a little girl and burned the hospital, is trying to escape possessing their bodies that melt down with his evil spirit.
万圣节传统青春惊悚片, 这部独立制作的的恐怖电影讲述了一群越过阴阳界限的青年。 为同他们女友开一个精心策划的玩笑, 凯文,弗雷迪,以及雅各布,提议搞一次冒险之旅,前往一栋据说三楼闹鬼的废弃医院。似乎有某种通灵能力的杰西,揣测不安,但是迫于压力,还是前去。起初他们确信,他们所经历的毛骨悚然的东西,只是朋友弗雷迪的杰作, 但不久就意识到在三楼上复仇心重的恶灵在所有的闯入者未遭遇可怕归宿前是不可能歇手的


李小路 • 一般般

嗯,就是后面的奇幻想法有些意思,前面都是老套的东西,比起日本恐怖片,差很远的啦,呵呵~~ 嗯,其