It is the fucking thing that kept me sitting in front of the screen for this story during such a long term, it is the fucking thing that brought me more and more deeply understanding the humanity of the people, and it is the fucking thing that gave me the power to keep working and keep living with this fucking world.
The Homeland brought us a brilliant view of how a TV serious can be, and will be. This is an excellant story about the souls of people. Broody is a typical American hero afterall, while he was not another superman or another Jack Bauer. The result of being a hero is the worst killer of the story(individual lost, the States won), but a 'good' death was the best he could ask for. He was whatever a man or a jack in terms of a real person.
The fucking thing might be the best answer for the whole story. Carrie took huge belief in Broody to keep the system working the most efficient as it could be, and Broody took everything back, even the name of himself and the family, to move forward to dig out the real purpose of making progress in the CIA mission, that were all because the influences between these two individuals. The fucking thing looks like Love itself, but it should have been more than that. It seemed more likely a part of humanity that occurs instantly to be related/responsible to another person. This is a very slight and nearly invisible thing in daily human life.
I am not able to announce that I have the power to live because I have something big inside or I am looking forward to devote myself into something big which I even do not believe I would do have. However, I got the power to live and encourage myself doing the fucking things in my daily social connections. That is the thing I would love to call it the fucking thing. Sometimes it is love, sometimers it turns to be patriotism, somtimes it could be anger or revenge. That is the part of everyone`s soul that keeps the soul working in line with the body and the system.
When the thing comes to be uncertain, unclear, mixed, it comes to be the fucking THING. It is a combination of motives by copying and executing of individual experiences.
There is no good and no bad, there is no true and no false, there is no love and no hate, the thing really left with a person who is being hanger on gallows is the death of the motive he or she has had. The end of the story is that the motive ends. Thus the thing came to be the fucking THING when we are close to the death and close to the death of the motives.
This is a life in vain, how can people not live in pain?

国土安全 第三季Homeland(2013)

又名:国土 第三季 / 反恐危机 第三季(台) / 暗战 第三季(港)

主演:克莱尔·丹妮丝 Claire Danes/戴米恩·路易斯 Damian Lewis/莫瑞娜·巴卡琳 Morena Baccarin/鲁伯特·弗兰德 Rupert Friend/杰克逊·佩斯 Jackson Pace/摩根·塞勒 Morgan Saylor/萨莉塔·乔德霍里 Sarita Choudhury/Tracy Letts/F·默里·亚伯拉罕 F. Murray Abraham/曼迪·帕廷金 Mandy Patinkin/詹姆斯·瑞布霍恩 James Rebhorn/蒂姆·金尼 Tim Guinee/玛蒂娜·加西亚 Martina García

导演:迈克尔·科斯塔 Michael Cuesta/莱斯利·林卡·格拉特 Lesli Linka Glatter编剧:阿莱克斯·甘萨 Alex Gansa/霍华德·戈登 Howard Gordon

国土安全 第三季相关影评
