Carrie is a genius and always sees the truth. She would sacrifice anything for the mission and for Brody. She is the only one that dares to stay against higher commanders. She's always on her own with her insightful opinions. She always manages to pull herself together even under huge pressure, especially when she knows about the baby. I can't even imagine how can someone be such strong, such unbreakable after what she's been through. I really appreciate the actress's acting skill to show such a well trained, smart, brave and tough girl, especially the crazy part!

Brody is totally a tragedy from the very beginning to the end, too many disasters, to many tortures, too many dangers and miseries...He might be a sacrific of politics, but he is the strongest and spirited hero for the whole country. Maybe there are many of a hero that cannot be named in the real world, but we should admire them in our heart.

Brody would do anything to redeem. All is about his willing to redeem. All of it is so real that he must be dead, and he accepts it. His astonishing calming in front of enemies is not coming out of nothing, is because of what he has been through, his real thoughts, real but unbearable experiences. He has faith, he would do sacrifices even by the title of booming Langely which he hadn't done. If that wasn't a hero, who else can be? He was totally a mess, but he finally overcome it; He scared to death, but he finally made it; He might hope there would be a next step, but it never come. I cannot help wondering what he's thinking in the last few minutes he was dying. His life, all the tough times, all the pains and guilty? or he finally find a peace? He even didn't try to find Carrie, of course he knew she would come. Let's wish God will be with him after all he had been through and contributed to the country.

This is the real world, a real world that things are not always under control, a real world that even a hero should die for all, a real world that there always a high-level boss. But above all, the humanity, love and faith in people will always be there. That's the war, no right or wrong, only the choice of which side you are on, that's all.

It's really disappointing to hear that Saul is retired, but somehow he would be back with Carrie right? Cause I really don't want Carrie go by her own in Istanbul without Saul's back.
One more thing, I like Quinn!

国土安全 第三季Homeland(2013)

又名:国土 第三季 / 反恐危机 第三季(台) / 暗战 第三季(港)

主演:克莱尔·丹妮丝 Claire Danes/戴米恩·路易斯 Damian Lewis/莫瑞娜·巴卡琳 Morena Baccarin/鲁伯特·弗兰德 Rupert Friend/杰克逊·佩斯 Jackson Pace/摩根·塞勒 Morgan Saylor/萨莉塔·乔德霍里 Sarita Choudhury/Tracy Letts/F·默里·亚伯拉罕 F. Murray Abraham/曼迪·帕廷金 Mandy Patinkin/詹姆斯·瑞布霍恩 James Rebhorn/蒂姆·金尼 Tim Guinee/玛蒂娜·加西亚 Martina García

导演:迈克尔·科斯塔 Michael Cuesta/莱斯利·林卡·格拉特 Lesli Linka Glatter编剧:阿莱克斯·甘萨 Alex Gansa/霍华德·戈登 Howard Gordon

国土安全 第三季相关影评
