利维坦The Leviathan(2015)



导演:卢埃里·罗宾森 / 编剧:卢埃里·罗宾森 Ruairi Robinson/吉姆·乌尔斯 Jim Uhls


Plot Summary:In the short version of The Leviathan, the story took place in a future where human slaves harvest "exotic matter" from the eggs of huge species, apparently including a giant space whale. Aside from the striking visuals and fairly novel world, the short also gives off a bit of an Alien vibe. It seemingly isn't about a gorgeous, idyllic future in space -- it's about forgotten workers who have to do the awful and dangerous job of harvesting that "exotic matter." By the early 22nd century mankind had colonized many worlds. Faster than light travel was made possible by harvesting exotic matter from the eggs of the largest species mankind has ever seen. Those that take part in the hunt are mostly involuntary labor.
如巨兽般庞大的运输舰中,整齐地罗列着数家黑黄相间的飞行器。飞行员们有条不紊地检查各项数据,背景则传来倒数计时的声音。当起飞的命令发射时,飞行员各自出发。运输舰外的天空晦暗阴郁,层层密云里不时有闪电划过。而在云层之中,名叫利维坦的飞行巨兽狂怒着冲向飞艇。它通体雪白,有如一头翱翔长空的鲸鱼,其性情残暴无常,杀伤力巨大。战士们与之周旋缠斗,躲避着每一次致命的攻击,并且等待着捕捉它的那一刻……   本片为爱尔兰导演茹瑞·罗宾森(Ruairi Robinson)意图获得长片投资而拍摄的概念短片。


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