特警黑道杀手Zero 2(2010)


主演:Zemyna Asmontaite Donatas Ivanauskas Kestutis Jakstas Inga Jankauskaite 

导演:Emilis Welyvis / 编剧:Jonas Banys/Aidas Puklevicius/Emilis Velyvis


Plot Summary:When the under-worlds of crime and show-biz collide, hit-men buddies Max and Sylvester are suddenly thrown in the midst of bizarre events and soap-like drama. Faced with the onslaught of sleazy intrigues and silicon boobs, friends must still complete their task - retrieve a missing shipment of drugs. And then, there's also a kidnapped delivery boy to save, loads of people to kill, dangerous women to love. The trick is not to lose your head. Or your balls. Whichever goes first.


秀山鲤鱼 • 女人要隆胸,男人要杀人,小语种冷门佳片《Zero 2》

《Zero 2》是一部2010年立陶宛拍摄的黑帮犯罪片,在内地非常冷门,豆瓣标注看过的人数只有11人