蘇格蘭生長的 Evelyn 說話很慢,帶些微奇怪的口音。當電影看到中段,我才明白她其實是個幾近全聾的人(profoundly deaf),沒有助聽器雙耳根本無法聽到聲音。八歲起逐漸失聰的她沒有轉學去就讀聾啞學校,而是探索和適應身體的變化,從鋼琴轉而修習擊打樂器。她的音樂老師教她用手掌扶住墻壁,以體會不同音調的鼓聲裡掌心的不同振感,漸而在這個過程中她獲得更為深刻的聆聽——用身體的聆聽——她聽到一個不尋常的世界。



Hearing is a sensation for which you need your whole body…and my whole life is about sound; you know, it’s what makes me tick as a human being.

Hearing is a form of touch, something that’s so hard to describe because in a way…you know, something that comes, sound that comes to you, you know, you, you can feel as though you can literally, sort of, almost reach out to that sound and feel that sound.

Silence is probably one of the loudest sounds… and heaviest sounds that you’re every likely to experience.

The opposite of sound … definitely isn’t silence … in my mind anyway… I think the … I don’t even know if there is such a thing … well, there must be an opposite, actually … but… What that is, I don’t know … I wonder whether it is something that is more static, something that you can take away with … with you … It’s the closest thing that I can imagine … to … to death.

Being a musician, being a dancer, being an artist, you know, is all about the sense of touch, really … the form of communication is about touch, and I don’t literally mean … that kind of thing, I , I mean, touch is just something that … a little bit like hearing, it’s just so vast, you know, we need all our senses for the others to function, we just do, and, you know, to take away the eye, it’s, it’s not a big deal; to take away the ear, it’s not a big deal; all the other senses will become that particular sense that you’ve lost, you know, this is what the mysterious sixth sense is about, you know, it creates a, a type of sense that, you know, we, we never knew existed until one or the other disappears … you know, in the same way that if suddenly I couldn’t function as … an actual percussion player, I’d never ever stop being a musician because I couldn’t communicate through the percussion instruments, you know, I’d always be a musician because that’s something that is so internal and no-one can take that away, you know, no-one.

(See full transcript in English: http://www.touch-the-sound.com/tts/inhalte/downloads/dateien/scriptenglish.pdf)

触觉声音-格兰妮的声音之旅Touch the Sound - a sound journey of Everlyn Glennie(2004)



主演:Evelyn Glennie / Fred Frith / Jason the Fogmaster / 

导演:Thomas Riedelsheimer /