

主演:威廉·鲍德温 瑞奇·雷克 切里·奥特莱 

导演:Kurt Voelker / 


Plot Summary:It's noon at a remote foothill park in Los Angeles: April is there to commit suicide; Krysta and Dennis tryst in his car while her co-worker Ian waits in a dog-shampooing van; Dennis's wife Peg and her best friend Claire have followed Dennis and plan guerrilla warfare; and four 20-somethings from the same office are talking in a van. April seeks Ian's help (lubricant, a hose, a lighter) and he asks if he can join her; Claire and Peg trap the lovers in Dennis's car then have a heart to heart; Nathan and Babar disclose to Meredith and Cheryl that they are nudists while Meredith insists the men are gay. Disrobing and disclosures follow. Is it just another day in L.A.?


LuLu喵 • 站在某处看热闹

小小一个看到全城的山顶,四撮人,一部电影 自杀失恋女,宠物清洁员男+女,SUV男,野餐小白领 自杀失

路人甲 • 一连串的松散小故事

这类片子的确不是自己喜欢的style。 片子感觉没什么意思。 唯一的一个8g是里面的Anne

朝露昙花 • 谁知道哪里有字幕啊

这部电影看了一下。很有趣,有点石头的感觉,不过英语不过关,有很多台词不知道是什么意思 可有谁知道哪里