血的圣宴Blood Feast(1963)


主演:William Kerwin 

导演:赫舍尔·戈登·刘易斯 / 编剧:Allison Louise Downe


Plot Summary:Egyptian caterer busies himself collecting body parts from young maidens in order to bring Ishtar, an ancient goddess of good and evil back to life. When he has prepared enough parts for the ceremony, he hypnotizes a woman giving an engagement party for her daughter, at which he plans to perform the ancient rites of summons, using the daughter as his final sacrifice.
An Egyptian caterer kills various women in suburban Miami to use their body parts to bring to life a dormant Egyptian goddess, while an inept police detective tries to track him down.


清蒸鱼 • 第三次全生肉

第三次全生肉 但是看得不太认真 虽说是血浆片鼻祖 但是里面的演技 剧情都不敢恭维 只能算是类型片的开

电影怪 • 血浆电影之祖:血的盛宴

“血浆教父”赫舍尔 戈登 刘易斯 在"十三号星期五"、"月光光心慌慌""德州电锯杀人狂""鬼玩人"之