
《提提卡失序记事》由著名纪录片导演,60年代“直接电影”的主要推动者Frederick Wiseman在1967年拍摄制作完成。纪录片深入美国马萨诸塞州主要由罪犯构成的精神病院Massachusetts Correctional Institution Bridgewater,用镜头直接、忠实记录发生在那里的故事。


纪录片片名取自机构举办的一场才艺秀Titicut Follies,Follies是由百老汇的富丽秀发展而来的一种歌舞剧,又带着“愚蠢”的意义在里头;Titicut是医院附近的Taunton河在美国当地土著Wampanoag语中的发音。纪录片由这场才艺秀开始,最后又以这场才艺秀结束。

那么Titicut Follies里面有什么类型的人?歌舞秀之后的对话让我们认识了第一位病人——他在酒后猥亵了一名11岁少女。在与医生的对话中他坦言甚至对自己的女儿也施行过猥亵。他的妻子觉得可能来这里会比较适合他,对他的精神会有帮助。此时他的脸很平静,丝毫看不出有任何精神问题。


这位病人显然是属于“知道得太多”的类型,讨论肯尼迪,之后还讨论越南战争(S-O-VIETNAM;SOVIETNAM;SOVIET NAME)和国际形势,他的观点非常值得回味。
I'm a communist because I expound my views about the world conditions? It is the duty of every citizen to expound his views or her views of what goes on in the world. If more expounded their views about the conditions in the world, Less chaotic conditions would exist, and a nuclear war is in the offing. Because... Not what I say, not what all these warmongers or peacemongers, blab about, because all through the ages, you will find every time a new weapon was put out: They say these dreadnoughts is the end of war. They said the submarine was the end of war - what happened? The gas masks put an end to war -what happened? They got gas masks. What about these submarines that are supposed to control the seas? What happened? They got airplanes that dropped depth charges. You look through the ages, you'll find that for every new weapon put out, somebody puts out a counter-weapon. But the nuclear weapon doesn't stop because people are stockpiling. Anybody that starts stockpiling weapons... eventually uses them. They get tired of stockpiling. And then they're just like a bunch of little kids. They figure they've got toys to play with, they're going to play with those toys! But at the first chance you get, you wait till 1967 and the 1970s, you're gonna see the greatest nuclear war of all time.

D: You take a little bit some time and with medication...

V: But that's what I'm taking, I mean, now you give me the same story again. "We are going to help you. " May I ask just why I need this help that you are literally forcing on me?

D: I'm not forcing anything...

V: Obviously, I talk well, I think well,I am well, and you are ruining me.

D: May I say something? We are not forcing you - if you say "I don't want to take... "

V: No, no, no! I don't want to stay here, I am a prisoner.

D: If you say, "I do not want to take the medication... " We agree, you do not have to take it.

V: But that's not the principle, Doctor. The principle is that I am here, obviously well and healthy and I am getting ruined. If we send me back to the prison, where I might be able to get there on the street, As I should have.

D: If I send you back to prison today, you might be able to get back in the same day to Bridgewater. If we send you back to Walpole today, you're coming back tomorrow... Or maybe even tonight.

V: But why are you so certain that I should be back tonight or tomorrow?

D: Because they look at you and they know that there is something wrong.

V: But Doctor, you are saying that I would be back here tonight or tomorrow. Obviously I have been weakened since I have been here.

D:Vladimir, as I promised you before, if I see enough improvement in you...

V:But how can I improve when I'm getting worse. I've been trying to tell you, day by day I am getting worse. Because of the circumstances,because of the situation. Now you tell me - until you see improvement - each time I get worse! So obviously it's the treatment that I'm getting or the situation, or the place... Or the patients, or the inmates.I do not know which. I just want to go back to the prison where I belong. I was supposed to only come down here for observation. What observation did I get? You call me up a couple of times, and you say, "Well take some medication, medication for the mind. " I'm supposed to take medication if I have some bodily injury, not for the mind. My mind's fit. I'm obviously logical,I know what I'm talking about. And I am excited, yes, that's the only fault you might find with me. And I have a perfect right to be excited, I have been here for a year and a half. And this place is doing me harm. Every time I come in here, you tell me I look crazy. Now, if you don't like my face that's another story. But that has nothing to do with my mental stability. I have an emotional problem now, yes, which I did not have.

看过电影《飞越疯人院》的人都知道,由Jack Nicholson扮演的、装疯来到机构治疗的的McMurphy最后失去了自己的自由意志,印第安“酋长”最后逃离了机构。Angelina Jolie在电影《换子疑云》中饰演一个丢失了儿子的母亲。腐败的洛杉矶警方给她安排了一个儿子想草草了解此案。她屡次要求警方澄清事实,帮她找回真正的儿子,却一次次受到阻挠和指责,甚至以妨碍警方公务的罪名被送入精神病院。若不是有个强有力的牧师Gustav Briegleb和其他律师、记者的帮助,她的余生可能就要在精神病院中度过了。这个故事发生在100年前的美国,而类似的故事却在我国上演。


没有旁白,没有参与,只有观察,只有记录,Wiseman深入Bridgewater机构内部,呈现给我们机构内部那些令人深感不适的画面。这部纪录片在1967年纽约电影节展出之前,曾因“发行问题”被禁。马萨诸塞州政府认为这部纪录片侵犯了病人的隐私和尊严——纪录片有很多病人裸体走来走去的画面,尽管Wiseman获得了所摄病人和医院负责人的同意。不过纽约州法院同意了这部记录片的发行。然而在1968年,马萨诸塞州高级法院法官Harry Kalus出于该周对病人隐私和尊严的考虑,下令召回所有的发行并销毁所有副本。Wiseman响应法院要求,在1969年,只有医生、律师、法官、医护专业人员、专业社工和该领域的学生才有资格看到这部电影。Wiseman曾上诉纽约高级法院,不过纽约高级法院对此案件已不予回应。

这部1967年摄制完成的纪录片其实跟Goffman在60年代的The Total Institution Model遥相呼应,有兴趣的可以做一些相关阅读和了解。


提提卡失序记事Titicut Follies(1967)




导演:弗雷德里克·怀斯曼 /