地下怪物二之重回地面C.H.U.D. II - Bud the Chud(1989)

又名:Chud II


主演:布莱恩·罗宾斯 比尔·卡尔弗特 Tricia Leigh Fisher 格里特·格雷厄姆 罗伯特·沃恩 

导演:David Irving / 编剧:Ed Naha


Plot Summary:A couple of teenagers break into a secret government science lab and steal a frozen corpse for a high school prank and accidentally awaken the corpse which turns out to be a CHUD, ironically named Bud, who goes on a killing spree and making his victims also cannibalistic CHUD's and its up to the teens to stop him.
A couple of teenagers break into a secret government science lab and steal a frozen corpse for a high school prank and accidentally awaken the corpse which turns out to be a CHUD, ironically named Bud, who goes on a killing spree and making his victims also cannibalistic CHUD's and its up to the teens to stop him.


小怪兽也要潇洒 • 地下怪物2:重返地面 观后感
