
又名:Super Models

上映日期:2015-12-18(中国大陆) / 2015-10-22(中国香港)片长:93分钟

主演:艾美琦 周柏豪 赵硕之 贾晓晨 陈百祥 罗家英 曹查理 戴梦梦 陈若岚 董敏莉 王合喜 黄嘉乐 梁焯满 

导演:罗慧敏 / 仁杰 / 编剧:万力 Kai Git Lai/谭鸿 Bear Tam


Plot Summary:How far would you go for fame and fortune? In Super Models, starring Wylie Chiu (Due West: Our Sex Journey), JJ Jia (La Lingerie), Pakho Chau (Love Detective), Law Ka Ying (Mr. and Mrs. Gambler) and Nat Chan (I Love Wing Chun), five young women find their own answers to this question. Jude, Sara, LuLu, Qoo and Suki are all trying to break into the modeling game, with Jude and Sara doing everything they can for a chance to meet modeling agency manager Charlie. LuLu, Qoo and Suki, on the other hand, have been recruited to undergo "star training." The girls all want to get to the same place, but their roads are as different as they are similar. Can any of them remain unscathed while making their way through this treacherous world?
酒吧内,年青男女都抱着梦想,寻求名利,JUDE及SARA与PETER打得火热,为的是介绍模特儿公司查理认识,希望火速成为星模。富翁James眼见年青人不务正业,不良意识充斥全港,因此希望宝贝女儿Catherine 往香港找个拍档改变这个坏风气。   Catherine为小美找来三个一直想发星模梦的妙龄女孩LuLu、Qoo与Suki,为她们进行非一般训练,力捧她们成为未来“星模”的始祖,然而世界上有太多不可抗拒的诱惑,无良经理人查理利诱之下,JUDY及SARA等被骗财骗色,Qoo被骗拍裸照,更被迫去陪一些有钱阿伯。


做事不能设假设 • 身材没啥,长得也不好看。


无事公 • 星探

剧情就让我们无视吧。 我基本就是当肉片快进看的。 虽然也有露肉的,但是这些女性角色,真的很难记