分手事件Breaking Upwards(2009)


主演:佐伊·利斯特·琼斯 达瑞尔·韦恩 朱丽叶·怀特 安德列·马丁 皮特·弗雷德曼 

导演:达瑞尔·韦恩 / 


Plot Summary:Daryl and Zoe have been together for four years and boredom begins to be felt; their bond, however, is so deep that it is almost an addiction they cannot do without. They therefore decide to plan their separation, establishing a relationship strategy according to which they will be able to see each other on alternate days and meet other people, experiencing the open couple model firsthand. Parents are also involved in this attempt, giving advice, but above all asking the same questions as their children.
影片根据主创的真实经历改编而成。纽约年轻夫妇达里尔和佐伊在经历了四年的婚姻生活后,开始彼此生厌,绝望之下,他们决定逃离这种枯燥的婚姻生活,但又害怕独自生活,于是他们策划了一个分手计划,两人都试着和别人交往。   影片模糊了纪录片与叙事电影的界限,内容就是达里尔·韦恩和佐伊·里斯特·琼斯的真实生活。


阿拉蕾 • 全是我的问题 没有答案 哪天等我想通了再来补个番外~

我很爱这片诶 不理解为啥评分不高 popularity低到我想百度个几首主题曲叫啥都搜不到。。还是仅

傻酷的风 • Breaking Upwards

1、我努力的培养了一个不怕独处的女儿,这是一件很艰难的事情。 2、way to go,biach!