
又名:The Lovely Widow and Her Annoying Son



导演:王凯 / 


Plot Summary:The film is a story based on a son, who is with a sense of guilt, tries to explore himself and reflect the relationship with his mother after his father passed away. With the help of the camera, the son attempts to build a type of dialogical mode with his mother, which is different from the one occurred beyond their general mother-son relationship. Indeed, finding a common sense with his mother, in terms of their real life, was triggered by their generational gap embodied in their conflicts. And he wished to establish a multi-angle understanding with each other and life with his mother through reflecting the past and creating productive argument. If camera could strengthen each of their perspectives more independently during their time, to what extent did they acquire empathy?
《瘾》是王凯导演的处女作,也是他“家庭纪录计划”的首部影片。他生于江西宜春,现于英国攻读博士,研究方向为社会参与艺术与纪录片研究。   影片记录的是王凯自己生活的日常,长时间在国外求学的生活,让他经常缺少陪伴母亲的机会。由于身处两地,他和母亲的沟通又增添了距离,这让他重新反省自己和母亲的关系。于是,王凯试图通过拍摄,以此激发与母亲之间更多的沟通,试图对过往和当下进行重新的回顾和认识……   然而,事实上要与母亲寻找一种可以共同感知的现实,却是困难的。语言和观念的代沟,给共情和对话带来种种窘迫。


毒舌影评 • 既无聊又琐碎,导演跟亲妈聊天真有“瘾”啊!

是时候讨论一下导演是不是“妈宝男”的问题了,哈哈哈!电影看得实在太无聊,开个玩笑开心一下! 下面想认

凹凸镜DOC • 《瘾》背后的“弑母”冲动:我希望摄像机有种武器的成分存在
