Henri Verdoux?At your service.
Never in the history of jurisprudence have such deeds been brought to light.
Gentlemen,you have before you a cruel and cynical monster.
Look at him!
This man,who has brains,if he had decency,could have made an honest living.
Yet,he preferred to rob and murder unsuspecting women.
He made abusiness of it.
I ask for the protection of society.
For this mass killer, I demand the extreme penalty.
That he be put to death on the guillotine.The State rests.

M.Verdoux,you have been found guilty.
Have you anything to say before sentence is passed?
Verdoux: Oui,Monsieur, I have.
However remiss the Prosecutor has been,he at least admits that I have brains.
Thank you,Monsieur, I have.And for 35 years I used them honestly.After that,nobody wanted them.So I was forced to go into business for myself.As for being a mass killer,does not the world encourage it?Is it not building weapons of destruction for the sole purpose of mass killing?
Has it not blown unsuspecting women and little children to piecesAnd done it very scientifically.
As a mass killer, I am an amateur by comparison.However, I do not wish to lose my temper,because very shortly, I shall lose my head.Nevertheless. . .Upon leaving this spark of earthly existence,I have this to say.
I shall see you all. . .very soon. . .very soon.

No pictures.Oh,Max,how is he?
l have to admit,crime doesn't pay.
No,sir.Not in a small way.What do you mean?
To be successful in anything,one must be well organized.
Are not leaving with that cynical remark?
To be idealistic atthis moment would be incongruous.
Is all this talk about good and evil?
Arbitrary forces.Too much of either will destroy us all.
We can never have too much good.
The trouble is,we never had enough.We dont know.
I've been your friend all through the trial.Give me a story with a morall
You,the tragic example of a life of crime.
I don t see how anyone can be an example in these criminal times.
You certainly are,robbing and murdering people.
That's business. Others don't do business that way.
That's the history of many a big business.
it's all business.
One murder makes a villain,millions a hero.
Numbers sanctify,my good fellow.
Father Ferro to see you. By all means, show him in.
You'll pardon me,but my time is limited.
Is there anything else you'd like to say?
Al right,Father.
Well,Father.And what can I do for you?
Nothing,my son. I want to help you, if I can.
I've come to askyou to make peace with God.
I am at peace with God.My conflict is with Man.
Have you no remorse for your sins?Who knows what sin is.
Born as it was from heaven from God's fallen angel?
Who knows the ultimate destiny it serves?
After all,what would you be doing without sin?
Exactly what I'm doing now,my son.
Trying in my humble way to help a lost soul in distress.
They're coming.Let me pray for you.
As you wish.But I don't think these gentlemen want to be kept waiting.
May the Lord have mercy on your soul.
Why not?After all, it belongs to Him.
Henri Verdoux,the Criminal Court of Justice of the French Republic,sentenced you to die.
It is now the order of the courtthe sentence be carried out.
Merci. Cigarette?
Thank you.
What's that?Rum.
No,thank you.Oh, just a moment.
I've never tasted rum.

凡尔杜先生Monsieur Verdoux(1947)

又名:华度先生 / 杀人狂时代 / 杀人的喜剧 / 杀人喜剧 / A Comedy of Murders / The Ladykiller


主演:查理·卓别林 Charles Chaplin/Mady Correll/Allison Roddan/罗伯特·刘易斯 Robert Lewis/安德丽·贝茨 Audrey Betz/Martha Raye/Ada May/Isobel Elsom/马乔里·贝内特 Marjorie Bennett/Helene Heigh/Margaret Hoffman/玛丽莲·纳什 Marilyn Nash/欧文·培根 Irving Bacon/Edwin Mills/弗吉尼亚·布里萨克 Virginia Brissac

导演:Charles Chaplin编剧:Charles Chaplin/奥逊·威尔斯 Orson Welles
