火箭综艺团The Cockettes(2002)


主演:约翰沃特斯 粉红火烈鸟 解放的女性 TC 

导演:Bill Weber / David Weissman / 


Plot Summary:On New Year's Eve, 1969, a flamboyant ragtag troupe of genderbending hippies took the stage of San Francisco's Palace Theater and The Cockettes were born. For the next 2 1/2 years, these outrageous drag performers created 20 shows with titles like "A Crab on Uranus Means You're Loved" and "Tinsel Tarts in a Hot Coma," and were featured in four underground films. But when the Cockettes flew to New York City to appear Off Broadway - well, you'll just have to see what happened when New Yorkers took a look at them. Documentarians Weissman and Weber have crafted a record of a wondrous time and a wild group in The Cockettes.


文化暴徒 • 嬉皮时代最高潮-嬉皮文化之火箭综艺团

Bill Weber - The Cockettes 影片回顾了嬉皮时代最惊世骇俗的表演团体,通过访