情感顾问团Free Agents(2009)

主演:Stephen Mangan 

导演:James Griffiths / 编剧:Chris Niel


Plot Summary:"Free Agents" is a crooked, romantic comedy that explores the trials and tribulations of finding love and companionship - the second time around. Hank Azaria ("The Simpsons," "Huff") stars as newly divorced Alex, who is missing his kids and trying to keep himself together. Alex's co-worker Helen (Kathryn Hahn, "Hung") thinks she has it together, but she drinks too much in order to cope with her fiance's untimely death. It's no surprise then when these two overworked PR executives share an ill-fated night of passion and are forced to cope with the awkward aftermath. Thus begins the journey of two lost and emotionally damaged souls in search of happiness. Joining the cause is an array of co-workers who are both helpful and meddling at the same time. Stephen (Anthony Head, "Merlin," "Buffy the Vampire Slayer") is the office boss who is concerned about Alex's emotional stability, yet needs him to focus on his work; Dan (Mo Mandel, "Love Bites," "Modern Family") is a bachelor in search of ...


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