
绿箭侠 第二季(2013)

又名:绿箭 第二季 / Green Arrow Season 2

主演:斯蒂芬·阿梅尔 / 凯蒂·卡西迪 / 薇拉·贺兰德 / 科林·萨蒙 / 科林·唐纳 / 约翰·巴罗曼 / 文峰 / 大卫·莱姆希 / 艾米莉·理查兹 / 苏珊娜·汤姆森 / 科尔顿·海恩斯 / 凯蒂·洛茨 / 卢靖姗 / 

导演:John Behring 

简体 , 英文


CW热门美剧《绿箭侠》的金童玉女斯蒂芬·阿梅尔和凯蒂·卡西迪声称。两人在剧中本是一对旧情人,不过因为各种原因分手当前任。英雄配美女这样老套的搭配并没有出现在剧中,而是升华为“英雄惜英雄”——凯蒂饰演绿箭侠前女友Laurel,在剧中表面是一个不向恶势力低头的正义女律师,而 实际上却是超级女英雄“黑金丝雀”Black Canary。俗话说男女搭配干活不累,男女英雄亦是如此。It's been five months since the death of Tommy Merlyn and the destruction of the Glades. Oliver has been living alone on the island where he was marooned for 5 years. Digg and Felicity want him to return to Starling City and he agrees for his family's sake but he refuses to put on the hood. Roy and Thea are still together but she's not too keen on his efforts to deal with drug dealers. She's been running the nightclub during Oliver's absence but hasn't visited her mother. Queen Consolidated is in trouble and Isabel Rochev is out to gain control. Oliver turns to Walter Steele for help. Laurel Lance has joined the District Attorney's office and is present at a fund-raiser when the mayor is gunned down by vigilantes seeking revenge for what happened in the Glades. They then turn their sights on Oliver. In flashbacks to Oliver's time on the island, 5 months have passed since they stopped Fryers but they find others are on the island. Shado is soon taken prisoner.