天 天和街浪子天 天和通りの快男児(2018)


主演:岸谷五朗 古川雄辉 绪方义博 的场浩司 吉田荣作 相岛一之 山口祥行 田中要次 星田英利 金子升 永岡卓也 

导演:二宫崇 / 柴田啓佑 / 宫胁亮 / 编剧:根本非翟 Nemoto Nonji/政池洋佑 Yôsuke Masaike/宮本正樹

天 天和街浪子:在线播放

天 天和街浪子:最新迅雷BT资源

日期 资源名称
2019-11-22 [magicstar] 天 天和街浪子 天 天和通りの快男児 ep01-ep04 [webdl]

天 天和街浪子:最新字幕下载

天 天和街浪子:剧情介绍

Plot Summary:Takashi Ten is called to a mahjong club one night to play against Hiroyuki Igawa, a young mahjong player. Having just robbed his friends blind at mahjong, Takashi arrives to take back his winnings. Takashi's mahjong style becomes more apparent as the game progresses - amateurish. Takashi cheats in the last round, using a move called the Tsubame Gaeshi, and winning with a Tenhou hand. Hiroyuki is angered once Takashi admits he cheated after the game. Will he come to understand Takashi's \"Way of Tenhou\", where Takashi willingly cheats and gets beat up in response for his friends? Will Takashi unlock his true mahjong potential or cheat forever?
《天 天和街浪子》讲述了以代打天为中心的麻将故事,从1989年至2002年于竹书房的《近代麻雀gold》上连载。对于这次的真人化,主演岸谷表示:“先要从麻将入门开始学习。在专业老师的演技指导中,学习了拿麻将牌的方法。在坐新干线(类似高铁)的时候,一直为了熟悉麻将而摸着牌。”而本作的原作者福本伸行表示:“相信曾制作过《银与金》的制作团队能将麻将电视剧的有趣之处表现出来。另外主演的岸谷五朗也有原作主人公的气质。”
