杰瑞和玛丽LasseMajas detektivbyrå - Von Broms hemlighet(2013)


主演:Amanda Pajus Lukas Holgersson Peter Magnusson Kajsa Ernst 

导演:Pontus Klänge / Walter Söderlund / 编剧:Malin Nevander



日期 资源名称
2019-05-12 LasseMajas.detektivbyra-Von.Broms.hemlighet.2013.S
2019-05-11 LasseMajas detektivbyra Von Broms hemlighet 2013 7



Plot Summary:Lasse and Maja are two kids that runs a detective bureau. In this movies beginning the kids find a chest made by the composer Alexander von Broms in the crypt of the church with a cryptic message attached to it. The chest appears to solve the financial problems for the local church that is in urgent need of restoration. But when von Broms relatives appear and claim that the chest is theirs a conflict emerges. A few hours later the chest gets stolen and Lasse and Maja tries to find it. The Adventure begins in the City Valleby with its surreal surroundings. There are puzzles to be solved and mysteries to be revealed and the whole family can join in.
侦探2人组Jerry和Maya找到了一个神秘的箱子,这个箱子已经隐藏了250年了,不太可能打开。他们希望箱子里面的东西能够值钱换得足够的收入,来翻新长期未修葺的教会。但是相反的是,这引来了3个隐藏此箱子的后代,The Von Broms家族索取他们的财产。事态变得复杂了当箱子突然被偷走,一些人开始打The Von Broms后代家族金戒指的注意。这难道是他们中的一员自己想要占有整个遗产?并且第四个戒指发生了什么事情?因为这只戒指随同它的主人在30年前就消失了。Jerry and Maya为了拯救教会,需要找到箱子和偷箱子的贼,而他们的成功居然取决于Jerry是否能够克服恐高。
