
又名:Fall of a City / Fallen City


主演:黄觉 林心如 丁勇岱 孙敏 

导演:黄宏 / 编剧:黄宏 Hong Huang/王金明 Jinming Wang




Plot Summary:Shubei town, southeast China, the present day. Five years after he fled with RMB800,000 (US$125,000) from a bank robbery, Liu Chuan (Huang Jue) returns incognito to the town. Policeman Wang Laoshi (Ding Yongdai), who was on duty at the time of the robbery and was demoted for letting Liu escape, is working in the same district police station to which he was transferred after the robbery and still keeps an eye on Liu. By chance, Liu stays in some small lodgings in Wang's district where Qin Xiaosong (Ruby Lin), a psychology graduate who's run away from her domineering parents, is staying. Next day, Wang spots Liu in the street and gives chase, finally handcuffing him in a deserted warehouse. At that moment, the town is devastated by an earthquake and the building collapses. Wang is knocked unconscious and Liu steals his uniform. After rescuing Qin, Liu finds himself roped into saving other townspeople and becomes a hero in the locals' eyes. Meanwhile, Wang recovers and sets out to hunt ...
西南某城警官王老石(丁勇岱 饰)对五年前逃脱的银行盗窃犯刘川(黄觉 饰)一直耿耿于怀,发誓要亲手抓获。刘川东躲西藏了好几年,为了女儿,他再次潜回小城,却与王警官不期而遇。两个人展开生死追逐。就在王老石抓获刘川的瞬间,地动山摇,整座城市轰然倾塌。苏醒过来的刘川为了方便,换上了王老石的警服,却没想到这身警服让他陷在救援中无法脱身。而叛逆女孩秦肖雄(林心如 饰)因为刘川的勇敢,心生爱意。   随着救援的深入,刘川似乎忘记了自己的真实身份,一时真把自己当成了警察。而警官王老石的出现,打破了他的幻梦。可是王老石的一只手带着刘川逃脱时为他戴上的手铐,所以被人们误认为是罪犯。危急关头,两个人暂时放下恩怨,携手救援,但又各怀心思。城池废墟上,警察与罪犯之间的“猫鼠游戏”仍在继续……
