魔法公主明琪桃子 梦中的轮舞魔法のプリンセス ミンキーモモ 夢の中の輪舞(1985)


主演:林原惠美 小山茉美 纳屋六朗 土井美加 塚田惠美子 星野樱子 饭塚昭三 千叶繁 铃置洋孝 中野圣子 二又一成 难波圭一 

导演:湯山邦彦 / 编剧:正木直幸/关一彦

魔法公主明琪桃子 梦中的轮舞:在线播放

魔法公主明琪桃子 梦中的轮舞:最新迅雷BT资源

魔法公主明琪桃子 梦中的轮舞:最新字幕下载

魔法公主明琪桃子 梦中的轮舞:剧情介绍

Plot Summary:Once upon a time there was a king and a queen and they had a little girl named Princess Gigi. Gigi's royal parents told her that in order to govern their world wisely she would have to learn as much as she could about people, and the best place to do that was on Earth. Once on Earth, Gigi discovers an island with a secret garden where everyone is a child. In the garden she meets Peter who controls the fountain of youth which keeps everyone young. Together Gigi and Peter learn the importance of following their dreams as they fight to keep the power of the fountain of youth from getting in the hands of an evil organization.
