犯罪现场调查:迈阿密 第五季(2006)

又名:犯罪现场迈阿密篇 第五季 / 鉴证行动组:迈阿密 第五季

主演:David Caruso  Lieutenant Horatio Caine Emily Procter  Calleigh Duquesne Adam Rodriguez  Eric "Delko" Delektorsky Khandi Alexander  Chief Medical Examiner Alexx Woods Jonathan Togo  Ryan Wolfe 

导演:Ann Donahue / Carol Mendelsohn / 编剧:安东尼·E·祖克尔 Anthony E. Zuiker

犯罪现场调查:迈阿密 第五季:在线播放

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犯罪现场调查:迈阿密 第五季:剧情介绍

Plot Summary:Drug lord Antonio Riaz is released in Rio after the evidence about his murder on Eric's sister Marisol during her wedding with Horatio is dismissed because the witnesses are in a US protection program. Horatio's brother Ray Caine is involved in drugs again, precisely in Riaz's 'favella' (slum) gang, but found left bleeding to death, just able to urge saving his son, Raymond Jr., who becomes a courier back to Miami. Meanwhile the 'headless' home front must handle the case of Carl Silvers, who found and/or killed his wife drowning in her own blood, and is believed guilty by his stepson Scott Satlin.
