9·11的圣徒Saint of 9/11(2006)



主演:Larry Boes 伊安·麦克莱恩 Everald Brathwaite 

导演:Glenn Holsten / 





Plot Summary:Saint of 9/11 presents the turbulent, restless, spiritual and remarkable journey of Father Mychal Judge. Compassionate champion of the needy and forgotten, a beloved Fire Department Chaplain, rousing Irish-American balladeer and iconoclast, Father wrestled with his own private demons while touching others in powerful and miraculous ways. Mychal Judge knew the pain of loss and suffering. He struggled with alcoholism and was an outspoken AA advocate. Father Judge was a gay man who loved his priestly work. Saint of 9/11 portrays Mychal's life as a spiritual adventure and an honest embrace of life, where alcoholism and sexuality were acknowledged. Saint of 9/11 is the story of a life's journey interrupted. Inspired by his life, the documentary embraces Mychal's full humanity.
影片向人们讲述了有同性恋倾向的牧师Mychal Judge的故事。作为纽约消防局的随行牧师Mychal Judge一向真诚帮助他人,因此也受到了大家的爱戴。其实在他的内心,一直与私欲做着艰苦的斗争。Mychal Judge还是一名有才华的的爱尔兰民谣歌手和一个反对圣像崇拜的倡导者。   影片展现了Mychal Judge骚动不安、烦躁不宁,但同时又崇高、非凡的心路历程。但这段生命的旅程随着911的到来也被迫中断了,Mychal Judge在世贸中心遭受恐怖袭击时不幸遇难。曾经主演《指环王》系列的英国同志演员依恩麦克莱恩担任了该片的主演,为本片增色不少
