吸血鬼:第八集 雷神Les vampires: Le maître de la foudre(1916)

又名:The Vampires: The Lord of Thunder


主演:珍妮·罗克斯 Édouard Mathé 马塞尔·莱韦克 勒妮·卡尔 Georgette Faraboni 

导演:路易斯·菲拉德 / 编剧:路易斯·菲拉德 Louis Feuillade

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吸血鬼:第八集 雷神:剧情介绍

Plot Summary:Satanas, disguised as bishop goes to visit Irma Vep in prison to announce its issuance. The ship that takes Irma is cast in prison by Satanas. Irma Vep returns to Paris. Captured in turn Satanas commits suicide in prison.
Irma, sentenced to life imprisonment, has been sent to St. Lazarus’ prison. A transfer order is sent to the prison to send Irma to a penal colony in Algeria. On the day of her departure, Irma finds out that Moréno has been executed.
