Tout baigne!(1999)


主演:弗朗索瓦·莫雷尔 伊莎贝尔·杰利纳斯 帕斯卡·埃尔贝 Aude Thirion Thierry Nicolas Bob Martet 

导演:Eric Civanyan / 编剧:Roland Marchisio

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Tout baigne!:剧情介绍

Plot Summary:17:00 - The sun is shining. The baby is doing fine. 17:15 - It looks like it's getting cloudy out. We decide to go home. 19:00 - It's raining a lot ... I mean pouring. The garden is inundated with water. All sorts of people are seeking shelter at my house. I don't know who they all are. 20:00 - Now water is flooding the house. We should probably consider getting the hell out of here. But ... telephone is down. 21:00 - Use the bed as a raft?
