圣地无遮Undressing Israel: Gay Men in the Promised Land(2012)



主演:Hader Rayan Abu-Seif Yoav Arad Yossi Berg 

导演:迈克尔·卢卡斯 / 亚里夫·莫泽尔 / 编剧:迈克尔·卢卡斯 Michael Lucas





Plot Summary:When many people think of Israel, it is often in terms of modern war or ancient religion. But there is much more to the Jewish state then missiles and prayers. In his debut as a documentary filmmaker, adult-film entrepreneur and political columnist Michael Lucas examines a side of Israel that is too often overlooked: its thriving gay community. Undressing Israel features interviews with a diverse range of local men, including a gay member of Israel's parliament, a trainer who served openly in the army, a young Arab-Israeli journalist, and a pair of dads raising their kids. Lucas also visits Tel Aviv's vibrant nightlife scene-and a same-sex wedding-in this guided tour to a country that emerged as a pioneer for gay integration and equality.
以色列通常令人聯想到古老與戰亂,透過盧卡斯的造訪拍攝,以色列的另一面--鮮為人知並充滿活力的男同志社群--得以被眾人看見。本片訪問以色列的多元男同志族群,包括《我的軍中情人》導演伊藤福克斯、以色列公開出櫃國會議員尼詹霍洛維茲、在服役時大方出櫃的天菜健身教練伊利亞德柯亨,以及一對擁有小孩的夫夫伊泰和尤阿夫等人。盧卡斯也帶領觀眾一窺以色列首都特拉維夫五光十色的同志夜生活,並參加一場溫馨感人的同性婚禮,呈現這片也在不同性傾向融合和同志平權上已為先驅的應許之地。   《俄羅斯反同解密》G片大亨導演麥克盧卡斯又一遠赴異國深入同志社群力作
