牧场趣事 第四季The Ranch(2019)

又名:大牧场 / 农场趣事 / 牧场物语


导演:戴维·特伦纳 / 

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牧场趣事 第四季:剧情介绍

Plot Summary:Peterson's cancer is in remission and he returns to find Colt rebuilding after the fire. Luke and Mary get married and go on a drinking and drugs binge. Abby asks Colt for space while staying with her parents, but he finds excuses to visit. Heather trains as a veterinary technician and shadows Dale as he examines Colt's cows. Dale reports that Colt's bull is incapable of impregnating them, leaving Colt short of cash with no way to increase his herd. Colt declines Heather's request for help finding her mother and Luke. Lisa Neumann argues with Beau about management of his ranch, which is now part of Neumann's Hill. Colt attempts to purchase a bull from Lisa, but she refuses to sell. Beau tells Dale Neumann's Hill requires him to use a different veterinarian, but Dale tells Beau their friendship will continue. Abby informs Colt she rented an apartment closer to her work. Colt denies Lisa's accusation that he stole a bull. Colt finds an open gate between his father's ranch and his, which...
这部多镜头家庭喜剧以当代为背景,讲述了科罗拉多州丹佛郊外的一个牧场上发生的故事。由阿什顿·库彻、伊丽莎·库斯伯特和山姆·艾里奥特担任主演。故事一开始,柯尔特(库彻饰演)结束了自己短暂而失败的半职业式橄榄球生涯,回到家乡,与父亲博(艾里奥特饰演)一起经营家族牧场。   在第 7 部分,柯尔特努力维持生计,并与分居的妻子艾比(库斯伯特饰演)和女儿重修旧好,而他的父亲在努力适应半退休生活以及以为上了年纪而出现的各种状况。与此同时,卢克(戴克斯·夏普德客串出演)回到丹佛,向他唯一的家人寻求宽恕。
