El caracazo(2005)


主演:Carlos Arraiz Fernando Carrillo Yanis Chimaras Pedro Durán Martha Estrada Alberto Galindez Henry Galué Pedro Lander Mimí Lazo Anthony Lorusso Nathalia Martinez Willy Martín Asdrúbal Meléndez Julio Mota Carolina Muziotti Beba Rojas 

导演:罗曼·查尔沃德 / 编剧:Rodolfo Santana

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El caracazo:剧情介绍

Plot Summary:The history is initiated in August of the 2002, in a meeting where Nicolas Petrov reads the sentence emitted by the Pan-American Cut of Human Rights, situated in Costa Rica, by means of which all State Venezuelan is ordered to compensate the relatives and victims of the events of February 27, to perform an effective investigation of the crimes and to identify the material heads and intellectuals of the judged facts To apply them the corresponding penal and administrative sanctions. Of all an endless number of situations are amused. They are very few the Venezuelans that do not have anything that to count on the 27F. Just as crystal Ball Caparigua, I Move away Sanpedro and hundreds of other personages that appear in "El Caracazo" are alone a small part- aforesaid in token fiction- of a social tragedy that changed the face of Venezuela.
