A. Constant(1977)


主演:克里斯蒂娜·洛朗 阿格妮丝·劳伦特 Agnès de Brunhoff Jandirah Teles 安德丽·坦茜 雅克·德巴里 奥利维尔·佩里耶 安托万·布尔塞耶 Nelly Stochl Bernard Freyd Danielle Perrier 

导演:克里斯蒂娜·洛朗 / 

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A. Constant:剧情介绍

Plot Summary:Two sisters, Camille and Madeleine, make up the story of a woman: Alice Constant, the servant of their grandfather who committed suicide at the age of 25.
Two sisters, Camille and Madeleine, make up the story of a woman: Alice Constant, the servant of their grandfather who committed suicide at the age of 25.
