执法悍将 第三季JAG(1997)

又名:Judge Advocate General

主演:大卫·詹姆斯·艾略特 帕特里克·莱比奥托 凯瑟琳·贝尔 约翰·M·杰克逊 卡瑞·特纳 Chuck Carrington 

导演:Tony Wharmby / Alan J. Levi / 格雷格·毕曼 / 唐纳德·P·贝里萨里奥 / 编剧:Donald P. Bellisario/Dana Coen/Stephen Zito/Larry Moskowitz

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执法悍将 第三季:剧情介绍

Plot Summary:While awaiting the conversion of an aircraft carrier of the US Navy into a museum ship, inspectors discover the skeleton of an aviator lieutenant inside a previously sealed void compartment. Harm and Mac investigate in Alameda; Bud and Harriet research in Washington and continue to check out each other. Harm has some unusual experiences aboard the ship, and Mac strikes up a friendship with a local detective. The inspectors appear to have sought something other than rust. Harm finds an important book, which contains a clue about the whereabouts of his father. The local detective turns out to be someone else instead, and the book disappears. Webb lends a hand and says something nice.
The cases of Harmon Rabb, former Navy fighter pilot, and his fellow lawyers of the US Navy's Judge Advocate General's office.
