The Green Fairy(2015)

主演:明迪·罗宾逊 理查德·格里克 阿什丽·劳伦斯 琳达·布莱尔 乔舒华·费雷迪克·史密斯 罗伯特·米亚诺 罗迪·派彭 Manu Intiraymi 特里沃·斯纳尔 德瓦尼·平 J. Evan Bonifant 

导演:Dan Frank / 编剧:Daniel Celestina/Caroline Posada

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The Green Fairy:剧情介绍

Plot Summary:An intense docudrama that tells the history of Absinthe and the mystical creature that possess it starting in the 1700s. It delves into the lives of the famous artists and how it changed them. The trail it blazed is covered in great detail, right up to the point when it was banned around the world.
It is about Absinthe. The notorious green alcohol made from hallucinogenic wormwood.
