
又名:大和拜金女 / Yamato nadeshiko

主演:松岛菜菜子 堤真一 矢田亚希子 须藤理彩 笕利夫 东干久 押尾学 森口瑶子 市毛良枝 西村雅彦 

导演:若松节朗 / 平野真 / 编剧:中园美保 Miho Nakazono/相泽友子




Plot Summary:After being teased and bullied by the other children in school because of her family's poverty, young Sakurako makes a pledge to her mother that, no matter what, she will never be poor when she grows up. As an adult, Sakurako is now a beautiful flight attendant hoping to find a husband with a promising future. She meets and falls in love with the brilliant Nakahara, but quickly dumps him when she discovers he only runs a small fish store (he had abandoned his career to take over the family business when his father died) . She then meets and gets engaged to a wealthy young doctor who expects to inherit his father's position as the head of a large private hospital. Everything seems to finally be going Sakurako's way, but she feels that something's not right in her life. Is she really making the right choice by taking a life of comfort and ease over life with a person she could truly love?
在外人看来,作为空姐的神野樱子(松岛菜菜子 饰)可谓完美无缺:长相漂亮、性格开朗,男人缘也很好。但是殊不知,樱子其实是个十足的拜金主义者。由于小时候吃过苦、尝过贫穷的滋味,独自离开家来到东京打拼的樱子利用自己外貌的优势,想着空姐这份职业很容易和有钱人勾搭上,进而嫁入豪门,于是当了空姐。   而另一边,曾留学于美国的数学家中原欧介(堤真一 饰)因为父亲的去世,经营起了鱼店。某次被其医生好友佐久间为久(西村雅彦 饰)拉去相亲,扮成了医生。欧介看到和前女友很相似的樱子,不由得注意起了她。而樱子的金钱识别系统让她觉得欧介是支很大的潜力股,于是开始向欧介发起了猛烈的攻势。一场爱情和金钱的较量就此展开……
