

主演:莫妮卡·戈斯曼 亚历山大·库兹涅佐夫 Sergey Gilyov 

导演:拉斯塔姆·莫沙菲尔 / 





Plot Summary:Alex is a young police detective in the small Buryat village of KharaTurlak in the middle of distant, vast and mountainous land in Eastern Siberia. Alex had inherited a unique Shamanic gift from his father, who had strictly banned to follow this challenging path as the last will. But when Alex's nephew and his young mother are found brutally murdered while his only brother becomes the main suspect, Alex realizes that the only way to discover the truth is to travel to the world of spirits. Once young Shaman crosses the line between two worlds, he opens the door for the dead, who are seeking the justice and forcing the detective to take and untangle their cases. However, the thinner the line between Alexander and the spirit realm becomes, the more dangers await him on the Shamanic path. The threats come not only from the world of the dead, but also from real people around him.
亚历山大·沃罗诺夫 (Alexander Voronov) 是卡拉图拉克 (Khara Turlak) 村的一名警察,他在大草原上迷路了。为了使他的兄弟免受谋杀指控,他被迫接受一项继承的礼物 - 前往微妙世界并与死者的灵魂交流的能力。现在他是一名萨满,能够解开以前被认为毫无希望的案件。然而,危险在星界等待着他——远古恶魔正在猎杀他的灵魂。
