Murder in the Clouds(1934)

又名:O Crime das Nuvens


主演:莱尔·塔尔博特 安·德拉克 戈登·韦斯科特 Merwin Light 乔治·库珀 查尔斯·C·威尔逊 亨利·奥尼尔 拉塞尔·希克斯 亚瑟·皮尔森 Edward McWade Clay Clement Eddie Shubert 惠勒·奥克曼 Nick Copeland 

导演:D·罗斯·莱德曼 / 编剧:Roy Chanslor/Dore Schary

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Murder in the Clouds:剧情介绍

Plot Summary:Bob "three star" is the hotshot pilot for Trans America Lines. When he is not flying for the airlines, he can get into trouble doing aerobatics over the field. His main squeeze is Judy ...
