
主演:邓超 安以轩 刘竞 张智尧 何琢言 张檬 谭非翎 臧金生 王菁华 马羚 于承惠 王媛可 何佳怡 胡东 

导演:于敏 / 编剧:金庸 Louis Cha/刘毅 Yi Liu/王曾静/曹逸鸣 Yiming Cao/马帅 Shuai Ma





Plot Summary:The heavenly sword and the dragon Sabre are the most sort after weapons in the martial arts world. Supposedly whoever wields the dragon Sabre will rule and only the heavenly sword can oppose. Xie Xun acquires the dragon Sabre in order to unlock the secrets so that he will get strong and avenge his family. He 5th hero and the daughter of the Heavenly eagles. On his way to find a quiet place to rest, he gets into a struggle with 5th hero and daughter of the heavenly eagle in the process losing his eyesight and destroying the ship. The 5th hero and daughter of the heavenly eagle float to an island and name it ice-fire island. They eventually get married, one day they meet Xie Xun who is on the verge of death and they save him, eventually they give birth and Xie Xun becomes their sworn brother and the god father of the child (Zhang Wuji). On returning back to the mainland, everyone is looking for the dragon Sabre which is correctly being held by Xie Xun, thus the 5th hero and the daughter...
元朝末年,局势动荡,四方势力暗涌。武当弟子张翠山(张智尧 饰)与魔教教主之女殷素素(王媛可 饰)因江湖争抢的一把屠龙刀而卷入这多事之秋的武林动荡中,万般无奈之下双双自刎。留有一子张无忌(邓超 饰),在挫折与困难中长大成人,凭借着多次奇遇因缘际会连成了绝世武功。为人正直的张无忌年少有为,凭着一身的好武功,不仅救明教于危难之中,被推上了教主之位,更是不打不相识的结识了元朝的郡主,刁蛮任性,精于算计的赵敏(安以轩 饰)。在三番两次的交手之中,赵敏对张无忌渐生情愫,而怎料张无忌与她的爱情却因为青梅竹马的周芷若(刘竞 饰)因妒生恨对赵敏的多次陷害而备受考验,倚天剑与屠龙刀的现世引起了武林正邪的争抢,而这正邪之分更是让张无忌对于与赵敏相爱矛盾异常,二人能否跨越这些鸿沟,走到一起呢?   该片改编自金庸同名小说《倚天屠龙记》。
