No Basta con Amar(2019)

又名:Love Is Not Enough


主演:丹妮拉·拉米雷斯 内斯托尔·坎蒂利亚纳 Samir Sukni Javiera Arce Paola Giannini Pablo Schwarz 

导演:Cristián Mamani / 编剧:Cristián Mamani

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No Basta con Amar:剧情介绍

Plot Summary:Samir, must face his parent's breakup. While they meet to find the way to tell him, the little Samir surprises them, because he knows perfectly what's happening, putting his own parents into a hard place with his vision of the situation.
Samir, must face his parent's breakup. While they meet to find the way to tell him, the little Samir surprises them, because he knows perfectly what's happening, putting his own parents into a hard place with his vision of the situation.
