神秘的蚂蚁Le secret de l'enfant-fourmi(2012)


主演:奥黛丽·达娜 Yann Trégouët Elie Lucas Moussoko Robinson Stévenin 

导演:Christine François / 编剧:Christine François/索菲亚·菲力瑞斯 Sophie Fillières/Gaëlle Macé/Maurice





Plot Summary:Cécile is travelling in northern Benin. She happens to cross the path of a young African mother who abandons a baby in her arms... Cécile is going to adopt this rejected child. She accepts this adoption the way one would accept an "accidental" pregnancy. She cannot resist. She decides to keep him and raise him alone. She names the baby Lancelot. The story of this adoption is going to intertwine with Cécile's personal history with men and with her own mother. It is also going to open her up to another world, in the strongest sense of the term. In seeking to contact Lancelot's biological parents seven years after he was abandoned, Cécile discovers the incredible secret story of this child that has become hers.
