德国恐怖故事 - 条顿恐怖故事(2024)

上映日期:2024-02-19(EFM Premiere)片长:30分钟

主演:Nicolás Artajo-Kwasniewski 莉亚·穆勒 Simone Geißler Natalia Witmer 西蒙·哥赛约翰 Daniel Flügger Elijah Brückner Nadin Lucia Brehm Dennis Klose 

导演:David Brückner / 

德国恐怖故事 - 条顿恐怖故事:在线播放

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德国恐怖故事 - 条顿恐怖故事:剧情介绍

Plot Summary:This chilling presentation consists of three award -winning short films from up-and-coming horror storytellers. Unique frights whose only limits are your fears.
A horror film anthology from the perspective of Germanys top genre filmmakers. A troubled mother hoping for a sense of security. One dark autum with dire consequences. A toxic love triangle in which one is bound to lose face.
