野性新潮La Calda vita(1964)

上映日期:1964-02-27(意大利) / 1966-01-28(西德)片长:110分钟

主演:凯瑟琳·斯巴克 法布里齐奥·卡普奇 雅克·贝汉 加布里埃尔·费泽蒂 丹尼埃·瓦尔加斯 

导演:弗洛雷斯塔诺·万奇尼 / 





Plot Summary:Attractive teenager Sergia usually hangs out with her older sister and her circle of mature friends. For a change, she is convinced by two teenage male friends to go for a beach vacation. Their main motive is to try to win her affection and get to sleep with her. Tragedy soon follows when the love triangle unravels.
Attractive teenager Sergia usually hangs out with her older sister and her circle of mature friends. For a change, she is convinced by two teenage male friends to go for a beach vacation. Their main motive is to try to win her affection and get to sleep with her. Tragedy soon follows when the love triangle unravels.
