乱世不朽的爱The Golden Pomegranate(2010)


主演:Rinat Abulafia Aviv Alush Ellen Anreder 

导演:Dan Turgeman / 编剧:Robert M. Bleiweiss, Dan Turgeman





Plot Summary:Noa (Achinoam Nini), a popular Israeli singer of Yemenite descent, prepares for a concert in Jerusalem. She is interrupted by an old Arab man who claims to have been a close friend her great grandmother. He tells her about Mazal, a Jewish child-bride (Hadar Ozeri) from Yemen, who preserves her religion, culture, family and her unique art, surviving the harsh, violent conditions of Jerusalem and the Holy Land in the late 19th through the mid-20th centuries. She becomes the mother of two, a young widow (Galit Giat), and the family's breadwinner through her skills as a jeweler in gold and silver. In time, a woman of property (Timna Brauer) and an ardent patriot, she prevails through the unfolding bloody decades while living in the Old City of Jerusalem. She heads a family of extraordinary, unforgettable characters and grows old in strength and determination, remaining true to her traditions and ideals.
她是 生長在滿目瘡痍中的 金色石榴   ※根據 德沃拉‧魏斯曼的小說《石榴墜子》改編※   諾雅,一個葉門裔的以色列歌手,正為了在耶路撒冷的演唱會做準備。一個阿拉伯老人突然出現打斷了她的排練,並說了一段關於一位猶太童新娘的故事,而故事的主角-瑪札蓮-正是諾雅的曾祖母...   19世紀末,瑪札蓮和她的丈夫-艾札在充滿暴力的耶路撒冷聖地上掙扎營生,生下了兩個孩子後,丈夫卻意外身亡,成為寡婦的她忍住哀傷,藉著丈夫傳授給她珠寶設計的技術,憑著自己的力量將兒女養大,同時她也極力保存自己的宗教、文化、家庭和獨特的藝術。她戰勝了血腥的數十年歲月,依舊居住在耶路撒冷的古老城市中,而當年丈夫贈與她的結婚禮物- 一個金石榴項鍊,則象徵著她對丈夫永遠不變的愛,以及對生命和傳統的堅持,這條項鍊與瑪札蓮的精神,將不斷的傳承給後代子孫. . .
