谁勾引了我老婆Cattivi pensieri(1976)

又名:Who Mislaid My Wife?


主演:乌戈·托尼亚齐 艾德薇姬·芬妮齐 保罗·博纳切利 

导演:Ugo Tognazzi / 编剧:恩佐·贾纳奇 Enzo Jannacci/Antonio Leonviola/乌戈·托尼亚齐 Ugo Tognazzi/Giuseppe Viola





Plot Summary:Mario Marani is a well-respected lawyer in late 70s Milano. He and his wonderful wife Francesca have an intense high social life. But Mario has a problem. He is obsessed by bad thoughts (cattivi pensieri); he is always concerned about his wife, thinking continuously to be betrayed by her. It is a nightmare, every time Mario sees Francesca talking to one of their friends immediately starts to see her and him in an hot affair. Jealousy and suspects increase and increase, till their life cross with a young man hidden inside their flat.
故事发生在上世纪七十年代的意大利米兰,马里奥(乌戈·托尼亚齐 Ugo Tognazzi 饰)是一个非常成功的律师,同时拥有一个美丽的妻子弗朗西斯(艾德薇姬·芬妮齐 Edwige Fenech 饰)。夫妻两人是活跃在米兰社交场上的常青树,拥有非常良好而又广泛的人际关系。马里奥和弗朗西斯看似恩爱,但实际上,一个古怪的念头常年困扰着马里奥,那就是他总觉得自己的妻子会背叛自己红杏出墙。   每当看见妻子和别的男人聊天时,马里奥的内心里都会感到深深的煎熬,虽然知道妻子是清白的,但他无法抑制自己的想法和冲动。直到有一天,马里奥真的发现一个年轻人藏在他的公寓里。
