¿Dónde pongo este muerto?(1962)


主演:费尔南多·费尔南·戈麦斯 Miguel Gila Claude Arnold 胡利娅·卡瓦·阿尔瓦 Gustavo Re Gloria Osuna Florencio Calpe Ángel Lombarte José Campos Manuel Bronchud 

导演:Pedro L. Ramírez / 

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¿Dónde pongo este muerto?:剧情介绍

Plot Summary:Elisa and Ramón just married. They are the winning couple of the contest sponsored by the famous detergent "Espumín". Everything is going smoothly, until the wedding trip, when someone hides in the trunk of the bride the body of Mister Aquiles Papillón, an important scholar. Ramón and the head of advertising try by all means to get rid of the corpse without anyone noticing, but the dead always returns.
