京城丑闻경성 스캔들(2007)

又名:京城绯闻 / Capital Scandal

主演:姜至奂 韩智敏 柳镇 韩高恩Go-eun Han 安勇俊 高明焕 

导演:韓俊瑞 / 编剧:陈秀完 Jin Soo-wan





Plot Summary:This drama is set in the 1930's when Korea was under the rule of Japan. Na Yeo Kyeong was the owner of a book store and she was also a freedom fighter. Seon Woo Wan was the playboy son of a rich family and he became involved in the independence movement through a bet with his co-workers to win Na Yeo Kyeong's heart. His father paid for the education of his worker's son, Lee Soo Hyeon, and was disappointed to find him working for the Security Branch of the Japanese government. Cha Song Joo was a famous gisaeng who ran a high class brothel.
故事发生在二十世纪三十年代的朝鲜京城,东京留学归来的公子哥鲜于菀(娄志焕 饰)在一次偶然之中结识了名为罗如京(韩智敏 饰)的女子。罗如京虽然是女儿身,却有着巾帼不让须眉的豪情,和保家卫国的壮志,在她的眼中,鲜于菀不过是一个整日沉迷在花天酒地中不学无术的花花公子,但鲜于菀显然被罗如京的气概和勇气所深深吸引。   然而,罗如京正在和在总督府就职的李秀铉(柳镇 饰)交往,巧合的是,李秀铉不仅仅是鲜于菀的童年玩伴,亦是害死鲜于菀哥哥的罪魁祸首。实际上,罗如京和李秀铉恋爱只是幌子,她真正想要的是李秀铉手上的情报,而表面上唯日本人命是从的李秀铉,亦有着自己的目的和组织。
