Booby Hatched(1944)


导演:Frank Tashlin / 

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Booby Hatched:剧情介绍

Plot Summary:Winter. A duck struggles mightily, and finally hatches her eggs in the bitter cold, after candling them and seeing the chicks skiing, skating, and otherwise enjoying winter inside the shells. All but one, that is: poor little Robespierre. She doesn't notice until after the rest of the brood has gone swimming and Robespierre has sprouted legs and run off in search of warmth. He finds it, under a hibernating bear ("So I laid an egg"), but a wolf has followed him in and snatches the egg, with some help from a stick of TNT. What the wolf hasn't counted on is mama, who's right behind him, with a couple of eye-poking fingers at the ready. The wolf swaps a doorknob for the egg, and starts boiling the egg, but mama arrives in the nick of time only to be rejected by the baby, who was just getting warm.
天寒地冻,暴雪纷飞。在荒郊野外的农舍里,鸭妈妈(Sara Berner 配音)正辛苦孵化着小宝宝。她冰冷刺骨,饥寒交迫,却丝毫不敢挪动半分,生怕鸭蛋遭遇严寒,令宝宝一命呜呼。为了尽快腐化,鸭妈妈不惜忍受着巨大的灼热,站在油灯前烤屁股以提高温度。正当她准备将高温的屁股压在蛋之上时,可能是感知到了妈妈的辛苦,也可能是不想被蒸熟,小鸭子们齐刷刷的破壳而出。   这时,外面的雪停了,艳阳高照。鸭妈妈高高兴兴带着宝宝们外出散步,却未发现有一只小鸭子温度不够,只露出了两条腿,顶着蛋壳在后面追赶。蛋壳鸭只顾追赶妈妈,殊不知大灰狼(梅尔·布兰克 Mel Blanc 配音)悄悄跟在了身后……
