海水玩具鸭Salt Water Tabby(1947)



导演:约瑟夫·巴伯拉 / 威廉·汉纳 / 





Plot Summary:Tom's day at the beach doesn't start out well. First he gets his swimsuit caught in the door of the beach house, and doesn't realize it until his intended dive in the ocean sends him snapping back and crashing through the door. He runs out and tries again. This time he is so determined to jump in the water that when he does so, he doesn't notice the tide is out and that he is swimming in the sand, which is filled with broken bottles, tin cans and other debris. Later, he tries to win over a beautiful girl on the beach, but, being the boor he is, he annoys her by drinking her soda pop, eating her hot dog and munching loudly as he lays his head in her lap. Suddenly, a tomato flies through the air and lands on his head. So does a banana peel. Tom looks for the culprit and finds him in the girl's picnic basket. Jerry is inside, eating what he wants and tossing out the rest. And thus begins another epic battle between the cat and mouse. Beach umbrellas, a bottle of soda pop, a rubber beach ...
阳光夏日海滩,身着红色泳衣的汤姆热情高涨,快乐地冲向充满垃圾的大海。虽然在垃圾和沙滩上干蹭了半天,不过他还是快乐非常。游了一圈垃圾泳后,汤姆蹦蹦跳跳走上岸来,这时美丽的母猫图丝引起了他的注意,以至于不小心都跌入了臭烘烘的垃圾桶中。不过汤姆不以为意,他继续向图丝搭讪,然而旁边便当篮里传来的声响打扰了他的约会。发出声响的是穿着红色游泳裤的杰瑞,他在篮子内大快朵颐,忘乎所以,甚至咬破了汤姆的手。   愤怒的汤姆一路追杀小杰瑞,没想到惹上了藏在石头缝中的绿色大螃蟹,本就闹哄哄的猫鼠大战,加上螃蟹的参与,变得更加激烈起来……
