
又名:Invisible Wings



导演:冯振志 / 编剧:冯振志 Zhenzhi Feng/赵慧利 Huili Zhao/谷昊 Hao Gu





Plot Summary:A girl named Zhi Hua lost both of her arms because of a high voltage electric shock. She could do nothing, not even going to school, because she couldn't write her homework. This sudden blow caused her mother to suffer from spasmodic schizophrenia. Through long time hard training, Zhi Hua not only learned to write with her feet and won back her opportunity to go to school, but also learned to eat, wash her face, brush her teeth and put on her clothes, among other things, with her feet. So the school finally accepted her as a boarding student. Zhi Hua passed the university entrance examination and applied for a medical school. Because she was armless, she wasn't admitted. The bad news rendered her mother insane again, who wandered away home and got lost. After hard training, Zhi Hua was qualified to participate in the National Swimming Tournament for the Disabled and won a champion. As a result of her good performance in the game, she was admitted as a student to the Provincial University of Physical Education, thus realizing her mother's dream for her. However her mother never came back.
一场意外让十五岁的花季少女志华(雷庆瑶 饰)失去了双臂,因为受不了这巨大的打击,志华的母亲患上了精神分裂症。从此以后,志华丧失了自理生活的能力,沉浸在巨大的绝望之中,心灰意冷的她甚至想到了死亡。   然而,父母的爱给志华带来了新的希望,她决心练习用脚写字,立志重新返回学校。在不断的刻苦努力之下,志华终于返回了校园,然而,母亲的病情却一直没有好转,甚至有恶化的倾向。为了能够保护母亲,志华决定加入残疾人游泳队,学习游泳,与此同时,她亦在刻苦的复习准备高考。遗憾的是,由于身体的缘故,志华落榜了,得知这一消息,母亲病发离家出走。
